Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a prenatal and early learning program for parents of children between the ages of Birth and three (3) years. The work of the Parents as Teachers (PAT) evidence-based model is grounded in the following beliefs:

  • Parents are their children’s first and most influential teachers

  • The early years of a child’s life are critical for optimal development

  • Established and emerging research should be the foundation of parent education

  • All young children and families deserve the same opportunities to succeed

  • An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families


Independent research shows that at the age of three (3) years, children who have participated in the PAT program score above the national norms on achievement. PAT is validated by the National Diffusion Network and is recommended in Goals 2000 legislation.


The services available from PAT at ARESC include the following:  

  • Personal home visits by certified Parent Educators

  • Group Connections/Networking

  • Developmental Screenings

  • Referrals

  • Emergency Clothes Closet

  • Toy/Book/Video Lending Library

  • Parent Educator Training/Certification statewide

  • Parent Educator Technical Support statewide


Program Coordinator/Certified Parent Educator

Barbara Marbley

Phone: (870) 730-2937


ARESC Certified Parent Educators

  • Angela McBride

    • Jefferson County

  • Felicia Jones

    • Jefferson County

  • To Be Hired

    • Jefferson County

  • To Be Hired

    • Grant County

  • To Be Hired

    • Arkansas County