Mission Statement
The mission of the Early Childhood Division, in collaboration with parents, child care service providers, and the community, is to provide high-quality services, which promotes the development of the whole child by active engagement in learning (developmentally appropriate), independent functioning and mastery of the child's environment.
Vision Statement
The Early Childhood Division envisions learners ages 3 to 5 who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and demonstrate academic readiness for future school success.
Unit Goal
The goal of the Early Childhood Division is to facilitate a system approach through a seamless delivery of services by monitoring the process from screening to the IEP design and implementation.
Early Childhood Services
The Arkansas River Education Services Cooperative Early Childhood Division provides services for children ages 3 to 5 with identified disabilities. The Early Childhood Special Education services are offered in accordance with individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) on behalf of the local school districts. Services include screenings, evaluations, preschool instruction, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. These services are provided at no cost to the family.
A child may be eligible for special education services if they are experiencing difficulties in the areas of Language/Speech, Hearing, Motor, Self-Help, Cognitive and Social Skills.
Early Indicator
The earlier you recognize your child's special needs and seek help, the better the possibilities are for your child to improve and be prepared for future school success.
Contact Us
Administrative Staff
Tom Cypert - E. C. Coordinator - cypertt@aresc.k12.ar.us
Susan Brigham, Medicaid/Budget Clerk - bayirds@aresc.k12.ar.us
Marcie Jacobs, Records & Accountability Data Specialist - jacobsm@aresc.k12.ar.us
Contact Us
Phone: 870-534-0135
Additional Resources
AR Learn Website